Monday, October 14, 2013

Design Wall Monday-October 14, 2013

I put my progressive blocks on the wall to play with the lay out. Not sure yet, if this is how I will keep them.  They will have a narrow black border.

The sashing is a green print, black corner stones. Setting triangles will be the black and gold fabric used in the blacks and the last border is the focus print. To give you an idea here is a picture.  The solid black around the blocks and the separating border between the black/gold and the focus fabric is a very narrow strip. Not the greatest of picture-it's night time!
I did also pull out a kit from a few years back-a Christmas Card Holder using a panel.  This picture is before it was quilted.
I also found 2 Christmas Table Runner kits.  May get to work on them this week in between working on the progressive top. It is going to be a busy week with lots going on, so I am not sure what will get done. Will be having some people over for a dinner on Thursday (17th). That is my Dad's 96th birthday.  I am hoping to keep it a simple dinner-it will probably end up being a cross between Texas and PA. Dutch!  Smoking a brisket, but am thinking of making hot German Potato salad, one of his favorites! Time will tell.  I did take the easy way on the cake-ordered one.  My cake decorating skills - lets just say, I won't be working in a bakery anytime soon!

Back to Judy at Patchworktimes

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