Sunday, October 13, 2013

Stash Report Week 41, 2013

I am actually pretty proud of myself for this past week and the numbers! Got more accomplished than I thought I would. I finished the Top of the Month (Saratoga), the back is cut, binding is cut. I will be making a trip to my quilter on Tuesday with 3 tops.  I also managed to make a Christmas Card Holder from a kit I had purchased a few years ago.  On the down side I did get the fabrics so I can finish the Progressive Block of the Month I have been working on.  Maybe I will get to work on that this week.

Used this week:     14
Used to date:       155.8
Added this week:    5.3
Added to date:      54.8
Net:                     101

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  1. You broke 100 yards out, that's doing really well. Congratulations!

  2. Your numbers are great!! Wish I could say the same.


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