Monday, September 30, 2013

My October Get it Done list

My October list is going to be pretty much like my September list!

My September list: Get out another UFO; No
work on another long overdue and well aged strip club project; I did work on one, but am going to do something different with it!
at least a few more blocks for the Progressive BOM-made the most progress with this one. 2 more blocks to go then get the fabrics for the setting.
 as well as the ones for the BOM for Honey Bee. No 
If I get my 3 smaller quilts back from the quilter maybe I can get those bound! Quilts are still at the quilters-they are ready for me, but I couldn't get out to get them.

My list for October:
Work on the strip club top from September
Finish the last 2 blocks for the Progressive BOM and start on putting the top together.
the Top of the Month due the 3rd. Thursday
Bind the 3 quilts.

Do have a few distractions again this month-Dad's 96th Birthday is coming up on the 17th. Will have a small dinner party for him. It's that time of the year where we need to clean out the flower beds a little, plant my lettuce and a few herbs in pots. Judy has grasshoppers, we have squirrels that are making a mess of things. And I am starting to think they like the smell of moth balls. Moth balls haven't done their usual job of keeping away the squirrels. It's also the time of the year when the birds are coming back to winter here.  And DH has taken up photographing birds, so I'll head out with him on occasion.

What is on your list?

Design Wall-September 30, 2013

I did get to work more on the Progressive Block of the Month this past week- 3 more blocks!  2 more to go, then it's setting time!
Here are pictures of #9 and #10. Each block adds another fabric. Nothing is squared up as of yet, that comes when all the blocks are finished.
Number 9
                                                                        Number 10
I also managed to cut out the fabric for the Top of the Month, so I am hoping to get the top made this week!
As with the other Top of the Month patterns, simple but fun!  With this one we could follow the pattern and use 6 FQs (lights) for the center or yardage.  I went with yardage this time. Love the butterfly print! And it will cute for a child somewhere.

Back to Judy at Patchworktimes

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Stash Report-week 39, 2013

I made a little progress this week, but not much.  Spent a little time cutting different sizes of fabric squares and rectangles for my friend.  That was 1 3/4; but had to get to 1/8 yd pieces for the Progressive BOM I am working on.

Used this week: 1.75
Used to date: 141.75
Added this week: .25
Added to date: 49.50
Net:                 92.50

On another note; we had a little over 2 1/2 inches of rain yesterday and more in the forecast for today!  Keeping our fingers crossed that some of this is reaching the Highland Lakes!

Back to Judy at Patchworktimes

Monday, September 23, 2013

Design Wall Monday-Sept.23, 2013

The best laid plans went by the wayside this past week.  Only got one more block made for the Progressive BOM. Hopefully I'll have 2 more done by next Monday!
Was playing around with some other blocks I had made for a strip club quilt.  Maybe I'll get something accomplished on that one as well.

Galen's trip plans for 2 days last week was postponed to this Monday and Tuesday.  So other than taking Dad to the Y etc. I should be home playing with fabric.  We just finished planting more native shade or light sun loving plants so I won't have to do that while he is away.  We did have rain on Friday, not as much as Judy, but a little over 2 inches!  Everything looks so fresh once again with the dust washed off the leaves.  And it has been very pleasant to be sitting outside and also have the house windows open.  I do enjoy this time of the year!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Stash Report week 38, 2013

I did get 3 more pillowcases made and delivered for the ConKerr chapter in Austin.  It's convenient having our LQS as a drop off point.Also cut more 2.5 x 4.5 pieces for my friend who can't cut fabric yet.  We must keep her sewing and she has used all her "scraps".  She makes a lot of tops for QWL.
I also added some this week. It was the third Thursday of the month - needed to get the fabric for the next Top of the Month, plus I needed some for a backing and another1/8 yd piece for the next Progressive BOM.
I backtracked a little!

Used this week:       5 yds
Used to date:       140 yds
Added this week:    6.5 yds
Added to date:      49.22 yds
Net:                      91.   yds.

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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Design Wall Monday-Sept.16, 2013

I have the next block cut but did not have time to get it put together.  What is looking like black in this photo is a very dark blue.  Took the picture at night. Will pick up the fabric for the next one when I get the next Top of the Month on Thursday. So should have 2 more blocks added for next weeks Design wall Monday. this and the stash report does help to keep me on my toes!

When I was sorting through things the other week found what was left from a jelly roll.  did a small version of the jelly roll race and added 2 borders.  It's about 45 x 52-right size for a little girl.

This has not been a common sight this summer here is Texas- an early evening thunderstorm.  The plants were saying thank you. Not quite a half inch but we will take it.  Hoping for some rain this week, the chance is in the forecast but we have learned to not pay too much attention to the forecast. It's more like we will believe when we see it!

back to Patchworktimes to see what others are showing this week!

Stash Report-week 37, 2013

Numbers not as good as they could be.  Had to get some of this years All Texas Shop Hop fabric and there was a darling Halloween Wall Hanging that I had been saying no too for the past few weeks!  Yes, I did get it the other day. 

I did get 3 pillowcases made to drop off at Honey Bee tomorrow.  Another top is finished and backing is cut plus fabric is cut into 2.5 x 4.5 rectangles to mail to a friend who is all out of scraps and can't cut fabric right now.  One of my groups I am on is having a cutting party so she can keep on sewing while she can no longer cut fabric at the moment.  

Bought: 7 yds
Used    14.5
Net      92.5

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Monday, September 2, 2013

Design Wall-Monday September 2, 2013

This is the 4th try, maybe this time I'll be lucky!
I had hoped and planned on having a finished top to show today, but ended up not getting near my machine on Sunday. I have been working on a strip club project from 2007!  It uses Barbara Brackman's Jacob Ladder jelly roll.
 I have 2 sides of the red border sewn on, need to get the other 2 on and then add the wider outer border. It will probably be finished today. The picture isn't great-need to find a better place to stand my design wall. that will take a little rearranging!
 This is the next strip club project I have pulled out.  Not sure if it is from 2006 or 2007! I did start to cut the jelly roll into 10.5 inch strips!
With every thing that was going on last week, I think I did pretty well.  Of course we had a few hot days-triple digits so I did stay inside a lot! Not sure what this week will bring. We hope to get the garage back into shape so we can put a car in it once again.  We have a friend's car also sitting in our drive now-4 cars is a
a little much. Thank heavens it's a wide drive way! We may take off Thursday for the day, it's our 43rd wedding anniversary.  No big plans, may just take off and see where we end up.  We are hoping to take a short trip later in the month, but it will only be for a few days.

I am hoping this computer and blogger cooperate with each other now and I can finish this!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Stash Report-week 35 2013

I did fall off the wagon this week-bought 4 yards of a terrific red.  The top I am currently working on-I thought it needed a little red in the border.  The fabric is from 2007 Barbara Brackman (Jacobs Ladder line )and most of my reds are either too bright or not just the right red. HoneyBee carries some of the primitive gatherings by Moda-the red muslin was perfect.  So I bought a yard. Yesterday (5th Sat. bring in your HoneyBee bag and get 20% off of what ever fits in the bag day) I bought what was left on the bolt, not quite 3 yards. But that was the only fabric I bought!!!!! I have used fabric this week, but will not count it until the top is finished and ready for the quilter, hopefully by tonight!!!!!

Used this Week:  0 yards
Used year to date: 120.5383 yards
Added this Week: 4 yards
Added Year to Date: 36.066 yards
Net Used for 2013: 84.472 yards
How did the rest do?

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