Sunday, September 22, 2013

Stash Report week 38, 2013

I did get 3 more pillowcases made and delivered for the ConKerr chapter in Austin.  It's convenient having our LQS as a drop off point.Also cut more 2.5 x 4.5 pieces for my friend who can't cut fabric yet.  We must keep her sewing and she has used all her "scraps".  She makes a lot of tops for QWL.
I also added some this week. It was the third Thursday of the month - needed to get the fabric for the next Top of the Month, plus I needed some for a backing and another1/8 yd piece for the next Progressive BOM.
I backtracked a little!

Used this week:       5 yds
Used to date:       140 yds
Added this week:    6.5 yds
Added to date:      49.22 yds
Net:                      91.   yds.

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1 comment:

  1. You have great stash numbers. I'm real impressed with your usage for the year.


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