Sunday, September 1, 2013

Stash Report-week 35 2013

I did fall off the wagon this week-bought 4 yards of a terrific red.  The top I am currently working on-I thought it needed a little red in the border.  The fabric is from 2007 Barbara Brackman (Jacobs Ladder line )and most of my reds are either too bright or not just the right red. HoneyBee carries some of the primitive gatherings by Moda-the red muslin was perfect.  So I bought a yard. Yesterday (5th Sat. bring in your HoneyBee bag and get 20% off of what ever fits in the bag day) I bought what was left on the bolt, not quite 3 yards. But that was the only fabric I bought!!!!! I have used fabric this week, but will not count it until the top is finished and ready for the quilter, hopefully by tonight!!!!!

Used this Week:  0 yards
Used year to date: 120.5383 yards
Added this Week: 4 yards
Added Year to Date: 36.066 yards
Net Used for 2013: 84.472 yards
How did the rest do?


  1. At 20% off, I would have filled that bag!

  2. Every quilt needs a little red!

  3. Great to find the perfect red, and at a discount, too - score! Reds are so hard to match & coordinate, it's great when you can find one that works well.

  4. I've had to delete all the Labor Day sell emails, I've been so tempted. You've done great with leaving with just 4 yards.


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