Monday, September 30, 2013

Design Wall-September 30, 2013

I did get to work more on the Progressive Block of the Month this past week- 3 more blocks!  2 more to go, then it's setting time!
Here are pictures of #9 and #10. Each block adds another fabric. Nothing is squared up as of yet, that comes when all the blocks are finished.
Number 9
                                                                        Number 10
I also managed to cut out the fabric for the Top of the Month, so I am hoping to get the top made this week!
As with the other Top of the Month patterns, simple but fun!  With this one we could follow the pattern and use 6 FQs (lights) for the center or yardage.  I went with yardage this time. Love the butterfly print! And it will cute for a child somewhere.

Back to Judy at Patchworktimes


  1. Have I missed info on the Top of the Month? (sorry, I'm not a regular follower. Heck, I don't regularly follow the folks I follow!) I like the idea of doing a quilt a month for charity....

  2. Very well done kiddo love your corners and points

  3. Very nice! All those little pieces. Looks great!


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