Monday, September 2, 2013

Design Wall-Monday September 2, 2013

This is the 4th try, maybe this time I'll be lucky!
I had hoped and planned on having a finished top to show today, but ended up not getting near my machine on Sunday. I have been working on a strip club project from 2007!  It uses Barbara Brackman's Jacob Ladder jelly roll.
 I have 2 sides of the red border sewn on, need to get the other 2 on and then add the wider outer border. It will probably be finished today. The picture isn't great-need to find a better place to stand my design wall. that will take a little rearranging!
 This is the next strip club project I have pulled out.  Not sure if it is from 2006 or 2007! I did start to cut the jelly roll into 10.5 inch strips!
With every thing that was going on last week, I think I did pretty well.  Of course we had a few hot days-triple digits so I did stay inside a lot! Not sure what this week will bring. We hope to get the garage back into shape so we can put a car in it once again.  We have a friend's car also sitting in our drive now-4 cars is a
a little much. Thank heavens it's a wide drive way! We may take off Thursday for the day, it's our 43rd wedding anniversary.  No big plans, may just take off and see where we end up.  We are hoping to take a short trip later in the month, but it will only be for a few days.

I am hoping this computer and blogger cooperate with each other now and I can finish this!

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