Monday, September 23, 2013

Design Wall Monday-Sept.23, 2013

The best laid plans went by the wayside this past week.  Only got one more block made for the Progressive BOM. Hopefully I'll have 2 more done by next Monday!
Was playing around with some other blocks I had made for a strip club quilt.  Maybe I'll get something accomplished on that one as well.

Galen's trip plans for 2 days last week was postponed to this Monday and Tuesday.  So other than taking Dad to the Y etc. I should be home playing with fabric.  We just finished planting more native shade or light sun loving plants so I won't have to do that while he is away.  We did have rain on Friday, not as much as Judy, but a little over 2 inches!  Everything looks so fresh once again with the dust washed off the leaves.  And it has been very pleasant to be sitting outside and also have the house windows open.  I do enjoy this time of the year!

1 comment:

  1. I love this timeof year too. Change is in the air.... everywhere but in my quilting.


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