Monday, September 30, 2013

My October Get it Done list

My October list is going to be pretty much like my September list!

My September list: Get out another UFO; No
work on another long overdue and well aged strip club project; I did work on one, but am going to do something different with it!
at least a few more blocks for the Progressive BOM-made the most progress with this one. 2 more blocks to go then get the fabrics for the setting.
 as well as the ones for the BOM for Honey Bee. No 
If I get my 3 smaller quilts back from the quilter maybe I can get those bound! Quilts are still at the quilters-they are ready for me, but I couldn't get out to get them.

My list for October:
Work on the strip club top from September
Finish the last 2 blocks for the Progressive BOM and start on putting the top together.
the Top of the Month due the 3rd. Thursday
Bind the 3 quilts.

Do have a few distractions again this month-Dad's 96th Birthday is coming up on the 17th. Will have a small dinner party for him. It's that time of the year where we need to clean out the flower beds a little, plant my lettuce and a few herbs in pots. Judy has grasshoppers, we have squirrels that are making a mess of things. And I am starting to think they like the smell of moth balls. Moth balls haven't done their usual job of keeping away the squirrels. It's also the time of the year when the birds are coming back to winter here.  And DH has taken up photographing birds, so I'll head out with him on occasion.

What is on your list?

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