Wednesday, March 27, 2013

what's cooking-week 13-Pinto Beans

Tried another new recipe, thanks to Judy.  Found this on Simply recipes (link below).  It was delicious.  I think for us,the next time I make this I may cut back a little more on the jalapenos.  Galen was fine with the amount, but for me, a little less would have been better!  I would have a picture, but that was another problem-batteries do need to be charged once in a while. Even smart phones need to be charged.  For some reason, I must have been doing a little too much surfing while out of wifi territory, the battery was low. Anyway here is the recipe. So the picture is from the site. Hope that isn't a problem, but i did want you to see how delicious looking it was!!!!!

back to Judy for other good recipes!

1 comment:

  1. That looks yummy! I couldn't think of a thing to do with pinto beans, so I sat this week out.


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