Monday, March 11, 2013

Design Wall Monday 3/11/2013

The blocks on the wall this week are from the pattern Samuri Squares (Cozy Quilt Shop).  It's a strip club pattern from my LQS ( 7 years ago).  Should finish the rest of the blocks today, hopefully!

                                 My Hayes Corner UFO is ready to be quilted
The Cake stand UFO is also ready to be quilted
This is progress!!!

For those who don't want to read a little Round Rock history-
back to Judy and Patchworktimes
 And for those doing Judy's Road to Round Rock-here is the Round Rock the town was named for.  Doesn't look like much, does it?

You can see we still have drought conditions.  But this was part of the old Chisholm Trail.  If they could see the rock it was okay to take the cattle through the creek-no rock, they waited until the water receded a little.

There was always a lead cow or bell cow.

I hope the plaque can be read. The sculpture represents Hattie Cluck.  She and her family were some of the first to travel the Chisholm Trail.

 About 10 years ago they decided to make this area a park with bronze sculptures.

 As they get the money they add another sculpture.  It's a cute little park.
As the story goes, the town wanted the name Brushy Creek after the creek but another town had already laid claim to that, so instead we are now Round Rock!


  1. Thanks for that great bit of history! All your quilts are wonderful, but I particularly like the red/white/black on at the top.

  2. Thanks for sharing with us! Happy National Quilting Day!
    Cathy vJ in MA


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