Monday, March 25, 2013

Design Wall Monday 3/25/2013

This is now on my wall-clues 1 & 2 for Road to Round Rock.  I didn't want to start it until I finished a few other things.  And there wasn't a whole lot of time to bond with my sewing machine this past week.  I should be able however to catch up this coming week.

 And if you remember what was on my wall last week-here it is the top is all finished.  Will send to the quilters this coming week!  I really love the way it turned out.  The Stonehenge grey was perfect for the background! Samuri Squares flimsy.


  1. What a contrast of colors between last weeks quilt and this weeks. I love the gray and red: I think I am going to need to make a gray quilt. And your Road is so '70s in color, a real blast from the past. Good job.

    1. I splurged and bought Vicky's hand dyes for the road to round rock. Great fabrics to work with. Never thought about it being 70's but you are so right!

  2. I agree with Gari. What a contrast. I do like this latest project. It reminds me of a tile pattern I saw recently.

  3. Love the colors in both quilts. I hope you get more bonding time with your machine this week!

  4. I love the black, white and red quilt! One of my favorite color combos!

  5. Love your B,W,& R quilt. The grey really sets off the blocks well. Yes, I'd say you've taken a different "Road" on your new project. Looks interesting and can't wait to see what's next.


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