Sunday, March 31, 2013

Stash report week 13, 2013

It was another week where we spent a lot of time working in the yard.  I am only good doing that in the spring and fall here in central Texas.  So I have been taking advantage of the decent day time temperatures. Have been working on the Road to Round Rock, but can't include those numbers yet.  Did put together 3 pillow cases that have been sitting here.  These numbers are very rare for me, I almost always have bought more than I have used.  this little exercise has been a great help.

Used this Week:               3.375   yards
Used to date:                     66.4555   yards
Added this Week:                         yards
Added Year to Date:        15.775    yards
Net used year to Date:      50.305yards

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  1. I think writing down the fabric that comes in and goes out really helps me from buying it. Congrats on your numbers.

  2. WOW, you are doing some great stash busting this year. Congrats. I love making pillowcases--they make the numbers jump quickly.

  3. Yep, this stash reduction report helps me get some out, even if it's little bits. Your numbers are great for only 3 months of the year gone by. Congrats.

  4. Wow! What nice reduction numbers. Guess I need a page from your book.


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