Thursday, March 14, 2013

Good News Thursday-3-14-2013

                                            Texas Laurel

Judy has started a new topic for Thursday's since she is no longer showing off socks! Good news big news, little news but good news!  Mine is little news today-got to sleep in this morning, enjoy a cup of coffee while listening to the birds. (Sleeping in is a rare occurance in this house-I think even the dogs enjoyed it!)  A beautiful morning.  Oh yes, we saw our first hummingbird at the Cross Vine.  Just added an item on the days' to do list-make hummingbird food and get at least one feeder out and hung!  They're back.
This is the Cross Vine and the hummers love it. We weren't quick enough to get a picture of the bird feeding.
First Iris of the year!

What are others thankful for today


  1. Pretty. In KY we are just starting to see a few flowers.


  2. The Texas Laurel is gorgeous. So often I wonder why I didn't settle in Texas instead of Tennessee. I'm sure there's a reason, though. The Lord knows why.


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