Tuesday, August 31, 2021

August 31, 2021

 Hard to believe this coming weekend is Labor Day weekend and our 51st wedding anniversary! These 51 years have flown by. Not much going on this past work-no sewing. Giving my right shoulder a rest. Did pull out a very old needlepoint project. It will take me a while to get back into the rhythm. Had to buy another book on stitches as I think I gave all mine away. Good ol' Amazon!

Our backyard is starting to get more butterflies- lot of Monarchs as well as some Queens. We have been enjoying watching them and Galen has caught as few with the camera.

The first one is a Border Patch on our Grey plants Mist. 

                                   This one is a Monarch on our Mexican Sunflower

We discovered some more tree damage on one of our Live Oaks from the winter storm. Probably a small crack on the top of a branch where we could not see it. Finally had a little wind and it came down partway. That part had been drying out the past several months. 

Galen got the weight off of the branch so it should be okay until the guys can get out and work on our trees. He said part of it just fell once he started working on it.

           We should be okay now-shouldn't fall on the plants below or us!

Yesterday we took a drive out to an area SE of Thrall. The people have been reporting that the wood storks are back again this year. We were there by 8:30 and rewarded with seeing approximately 30! We came up on them real fast-they were in an area around a sharp bend in the road that had water. They flew but then landed in a tree close by. Have never seen them this close up before. Galen got some great pictures this time.

                                     That pretty much takes care of August 2021!

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