Tuesday, August 31, 2021

From June 2021-8th


This and That!

We’ve been busy both inside the house and outside. Outside was in between storms! June started out as a continuation of late May storms. The ground is saturated. Of course by July we will probably be wishing for rain.

This past Sunday we headed to Granger Dam. It was up a good 6 ft. from all the rains west of there. The San Gabriel flows into it and there were a lot of low water crossings closed.

With all the mud flats under water there were no wading birds. Galen got a few pictures but very few!

On the sewing front I gave my friend 4 children size tops to quilt. The tops were put together by Joan. I added borders and backings. When I get them back I will get them bound and donated to our local Linus group.

Have received more blocks from the Quilted With Love group. Will eventually get those into tops as well. In the meantime I have a virtual tips and techniques class late this week. Another vidtual bag class in 2 weeks. Plus am signed up for the Martelli re-retreat in July. It’s a 3 day retreat that lasts for close to a month. Those pop ups and extra projects start in another week! I will be busy!!! It’s a fun time. Made many friends in the last one. We have an alumni group where we keep sharing projects, cares and concerns. No quilt police involved.

Until next time…..

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