Tuesday, August 31, 2021

June 2021-


June is over!

Hard to believe that 2021 is half over! My parents always said the older one gets the days, months and years go by faster! But then we did keep busy and that helps! Galen gets out most mornings with camera in hand. Once in a while the girls and I tag along- me as the driver! Sometimes he gets pictures other times it’s nice drive for the girls and I.

I found several table runner kits from Jordan Fabrics. Great kits and Log Cabin blocks.

I had hoped to have them finished this month but I am also participating in the Martelli Re-retreat. The pregame activities have begun. Lots of fun projects on Facebook live. The actual virtual retreat is later in July. Also participated in several of their virtual classes. Need to get those projects off the books.

We are doing another block lottery again using the Mega Illusion Block from the retreat in March. This time the colors are Teals and Purples. Any shade of those colors. I have 6 done so far but want to make a few more before mailing them right after the 4th of July holiday.

The lottery winners will be getting 9 blocks. That makes a nice size lap quilt-big blocks!

Your chuckle for tonight-Galen was getting the girls dinner and Lady was making sure!

My block count for the month of June is 18. Had hoped to get more done but will settle for 18!


I think summer has arrived! Once the rains stopped it has been sunny, hot and humid! Can’t handle it like I used too. Too many years of having central air not to mention somewhat older! Galen is better dealing with it. Our Bee Balm is loving this and the hummingbirds are enjoying it! Can’t get the hummers at it but they are in morning and evening.

Some sewing was accomplished since I last wrote. Wanted to try out the Task It Basket template from Martelli Notions. Will definitely be making more of these in various sizes!

Their templates with the no skid backing makes cutting a breeze!

The grill will be getting more of a work out now. Think it’s burgers tonight! But I was busy this morning getting chicken breasts thinly sliced and in the dehydrator for the girls bedtime snack. They are very good at being a nuisance if those are forgotten!

My laptop is in our bedroom which gives me a good chance to watch the birds and squirrels in the yard. This guy has tried several times to get food from the feeder. After his last fall he gave up…..for now

They are comical.

Hope to sew some this afternoon. Need to find backing from another quilt to give to Osie who quilts for me. Will be picking up four child size quilts in the morning. So off for now!

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