Month: July 2021
July 19th 2021
My sewing has been mostly been done by hand the past week. Had 4 quilts here, children size that needed to be bound. Got the first step done, binding made and sewn on the front by machine. I like to be able to hand sew the binding down in the evenings. I managed to get 2 finished and handed over to Osie for donation to Linus last week.
Tam’s Patch blocks. 3rd picture is the backing on both
Last night I finished 2 more of Joan’s that Osie quilted for me. These 2 are from Happy Blocks
Not sure if these will go to Linus or if Quilts of Compassion can use them. But they will go somewhere!
A Little Sewing!
Finally managed to find my sewing machine yesterday! I had bought a template from Linda Winner’s site for wedge shape placemats for a round table.
Linda Winner started to put it away and then saw the butterfly fabric was still waiting to be put away also. Seeing as I was wanting some placemats that went with the dishes we were using I got busy! And yes, if any of our friends from our Taiwan days read this, the blue and white dishes will be back in use come September. Wanted a little something different for a change. Saw these and with Galen’s penchant for photographing butterflies and dragonflies this set of dishes was perfect for summer!

A Nice Country Drive
This past Thursday we decided to go for a drive. Typical for us we left with the plan of going in one direction and ended up elsewhere! I think it was by choice on Galen’s part! He says no, but it did get him a new butterfly at Doe Skin Ranch. It’s part of Balcones Wildlife Preserve.
After leaving there we took Cow Creek Road. It’s a nice winding road that follows Cow Creek. Sometimes there isn’t much water flowing but it had some water this time. The first few times we traveled this road there was more places to stop, get out and get a better look at the creek. Now it is almost all private property. But it is still a nice drive.
Along the creek is several sections there are limestone cliffs. One such place has a Raven nest. We didn’t see the nest this time. Did see the Raven further down the road. Probably heading back home! The road crosses the creek 5 times. A windy creek with a windy road!
A few pictures of the day’s outing!

The photographer heading to the creek to see if he can see any dragon or damsel flies.

It’s always amazing to see how wild flowers will flourish in just about any condition!

That was our day’s adventure!
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