Columbus Day 2021
Had a fairly productive week last week. Have my 2 quilts that I wrote about earlier and 4 smaller ones from my friend Joan ready for my quilting friend. Will try and get together sometime this week so I can hand them off to her.

I was able to find some really cute fabric on sale for these 3. It’ll almost be getting 2 quilts with this backing!
Her other quilt had a lot of shore, sand and water motifs in the prints. I had found this one sale earlier in the year. Color and everything was perfect

Since I finished 2 UFO projects and got Joan’s ready I started another quilt yesterday. This one uses the fabric line animal crackers. Will be a cute quilt for a little one. These are the blocks in the mustard color. Others will be blues and reds

It will be a busy week. Our tree guys were finally able to get us on the schedule. They start tomorrow. I think the Red Oak is first. Get rid of all the dead branches. Our Lacey Bark Elm will be cut down. And there are lots of dead branches that need to go in the rest of our Live Oaks. Will be sad to see the Elm go but it needs too. The way the bark is falling off it wouldn’t be long before it was dead and a hazard. Better it goes now.3
Almost missed our Oxblood Lilies that are blooming. We have some dead branches piled up in front of them.

That’s it for now. I am sure there will be some tree posts later this week and maybe another quilt top finished. As long as my shoulder holds out anything is possible!
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