Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Landscaping upgrade-Part 5.(Monday and Tuesday of week 2)

The first few days this week is the concrete work; getting our new walks.  They arrived at 7 AM on Monday and right to work getting the forming done.  We have a lot of walkway when you consider what used to be all the limestone around the the front to the back of the house on the one side. They got all the forms in the front done and part way around the side.

They were back at 7 this morning to finish up the forming and put down rebar. There was no rebar in the previous walk way from the street.

The concrete truck arrived about 1 and the fun began!

 Once it was poured they waited about 15 to 20 minutes to start the stamping process

They are putting on the top layer for the pattern.

He is using a big metal broom head and dusting the base with the second color

Then the stamping begins. He used several sizes of rubber mats that were texturized

And then tamped it down to get the imprint

This is what it looks like now. But on Thursday they will wash and then seal the walkways

We decided to go with an all over texture pattern as opposed to a brick look or flagstone look that we had first considered. We thought this would look better with the brick on the house and the river rock.

They will be back early in the morning again to get the rebar down in the back and then the truck will be here with the last pour.

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