Monday, June 26, 2017

Design Wall Monday-June 26, 2017

We had a couple very hot days in our part of Texas 100-102! Good days to be inside. Worked on our part of the landscaping project earlier in the week. But on the 100+ days I stayed inside, got a little sewing done.  Worked on my project for the class this past Saturday. However did not make it to class so am now trying to figure out getting the paws and claws together with the arc in between.
This pattern    Will get it figured out to where I am happy with it!

In the meantime I made more of the churn dash blocks using kid friendly prints and bright borders or at least different ones! They are really fun to make.

Mother nature has been nice to us since the sod went in on Friday. We had showers on Sat., Sun and today! But I think we will be watering it soon until it gets established. If you want to see pretty much the finished product
landscape project comes to a close!

Am hoping to get more time in sewing this week but we still to do more planting. There's always hope!

What have others been working on lately?


  1. Cute churn dash blocks for kids! Good luck with your sod. We've been watering our new sod 2-3 times a day per instructions since it was installed 12 days ago, and I think it's going to make it.

  2. Your churn dash blocks are coming along nicely. Yikes, it's hot in Texas! Hope your sod takes hold.

  3. Love your Churndashes! Those are one of my most favorite blocks!


  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...