Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Landscaping upgrade-Part 3 (Tuesday and Wednesday)

Our workers have been here by 8 the last 2 mornings and worked until 7. They take about an hour for lunch, a much needed break for them! They are hard workers. They started getting the chopped block laid out in the shape  for the new areas. They also got the areas prepped for either mulch or river rock.
They  got rid of a big chunk of limestone that has been in the front yard since me moved in. Always looked like a bare spot-it was right at the surface. They used the jack hammer and cut down about 8 inches. Now we can get grass to grow there.

                                             Prep work in the front on Tuesday

                                             Some of the work in the back

The new walk way in the back goes between two of the live oaks and then to the deck

By the end of today (Wednesday) most of the work in the front is done as far as the mulch area and river rock areas are definied by the chopped block and the ground smoothed out. You see where the walk will be.

View from the drive side-looking West

View from the street looking East-

The big area closer to the fence is pretty well finished. Different edging this time. This area will be all mulch. It now connects to the center bed. The bed against the house will be larger as well. 
  The walk through in the center back bed as be reconfigured.

Besides working on the beds they have been having to move sprinkler heads, capping off heads and dig through our heavy clay for the walkways!  Not sure but I think the cement guys will be sometime tomorrow to start that prep work.

1 comment:

  1. That's some major hard work! No wonder you hired professionals with jack hammers.


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