Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Landscaping upgrade-part 1

WE have never been in one place this many years. Trees have grown to the point there is too much shade for bermuda grass and some of the plants. Now is the do something about it time. Last three years have been the inside of the house, this year the yard!

When we moved in there was no walk from the driveway to the front door. We went with Limestone slabs which worked great for a while, but more shade and getting wet they got they became slippery. WE could get them clean but it never lasted long.

Another problem tree roots causing blocks to move. These were  3 inch diameter live oaks when we moved in!

And since our walkway to the street is starting to break up it is also getting a make over so all the walks will match.

Then to the back, more areas where grass does not grow.

These were also small live oaks!

As you see a lot of shade now and that is more important than grass! Especially in Texas!

The area in front of the deck also getting a make over

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