Friday, June 9, 2017

Landscaping upgrade-Part 4 (Thursday-June 8, 2017)

Thursday was another busy day. A load of river rock was dropped off in the street close to our drive by 7:30. the guys here shortly there after.

It started to dissappear by the wheelbarrow loads.

It wasn't long before it looked like this!

In the meantime a load of material arrived for the base of the concrete walks

I had an appointment so left for a few hours. When I was leaving people were here to pick up another load of blocks from our drive. Good thing we live on a cul de sac!

By the time I returned home the guys had returned for the third load of blocks and limestone slabs. 
Our workers had unloaded their trailer of dirt. And some where along the way the load of flagstone arrived for the back! By the end of the day (7:15 when they left) we had the flagstone laid out and some of it dug in.

Today the people were supposed to be here to work but they are behind so we get a break until Monday! Our girls will be very happy they have 3 days of being able to run in the yard!
And we have our driveway back!


  1. How very lovely everything looks with this new landscaping. You must feel like a queen in your castle every time you come home. Nicely laid out landscaping. The girls will be happy for sure.

    1. Thanks. I can't believe the difference this makes. I guess this is what happens when in the same home for more than a few years!


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