Sunday, June 18, 2017

Landscaping Part 6 (Wednesday & Thursday)

Wednesday was the day to finish pouring the concrete for the walks. They got the rebar done in the morning and the truck arrived about 1 for the last of the pour. They used 6 yards on Tuesday and another 7 in this pour. A lot of concrete!

                                      These were taken early morning before the guys arrived.

Yes AC inside and humidity outside. Foggy lens

They got everything prepared. While they were at lunch we also took off for a little while. By the time we got back they had the concrete poured around our deck and had already moved the truck to the other side to pour the remaining walk

Yesterday they were pushing the wheelbarrow up hill, today down a little slope. 

The forms had been removed from the Tuesday's work and Charlie started the cross cuts

Thursday was clean up day. They removed the forms from Wednesday's pour. Charlie got all the cross cuts done. Then he power washed the top layer of dust off the walks.

After he finished and the guys got everything cleaned up and hauled off Alex stayed behind and did 2 coasts of sealer. We left Alex to his job and went out for an early birthday dinner for Galen. He birthday is the 18th but once in a while it falls on Father's day. We came home to a finished walk!

Charlie put a piece of PVC pipe under one section so we could have the extension cord for the Christmas lights. Galen has promised to shorten the pipes he added. Told him it looked like we had 2 periscopes sticking up!

I do love the Pride of Barbadoes plants-love the orange and reds

Tomorrow Friday the landscapers return!

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