Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Last of 2017!

It is hard to believe that 2017 will soon be history!  For us it has been a busy year. Instead of working on the inside of our home we had work done on the landscaping! We start year 19 at this address and I can honestly say this is the longest I have ever been in the same place! Growing up we moved a few times, same area but different homes. After marriage there were a few job transfers. The last transfer my husband had brought us to Texas and here is where we stayed. Back to landscaping. Trees that were small when we moved in have grown quite a bit. Grass that liked sun, does not like shade! We like the shade, so grass areas are much smaller-more rock and mulched beds. That was the 2017 project. Hopefully no major projects for 2018!  We both could use a break. Even though we had others do the work it is still a disruption.

We did manage some trips around Texas for Galen to add to his list of birds, butterflies and dragonflies. Some new lifers and or for different county sightings! I usually end up driving, makes it easier for the photographer! When I can I normally have quilting along. Sometimes it is binding a quilt, other times if we are staying in a motel for more than a night, my machine. One trip I spent the entire time removing paper from the backs of blocks!

On the quilting front I did manage to get some completed and some to at least the flimsy or top stage. With the advent of Hurricane Harvey I dug out a few UFO's got them finished, quilted and delivered to Quilts of Compassion. All in all 11 totally completed quilts and if I didn't miss any - 5 tops. They will become finishes in 2018!

                        But first I almost forgot this quilt Galen's Christmas present! The pattern is from One of their free ones. Decided since Galen's passion is birds he needed an Owl quilt. Fun trying to work on this and hoping he didn't decide to venture upstairs to see what I was working on.  But managed to pull it off and yes he was surprised and likes it! That was my November/December finish!

                                                        My last 2 tops for this month.

                                                                Layer Cake Pop


     Who knows what 2018 has in store for us. But I am sure it will be another interesting year!

On that note our wish is that we are all able to meet any challenges head on, do the best we can and have a wonderful 2018!

Linking up with small quilts, doll quilts

Monday, December 18, 2017

Design Wall Monday-12/18/2017

Thought it was time to play catch up and post again!  I finally managed a few evenings of sewing. Being in a motel room in the evenings and no distractions makes it easier to actually get something done. We went to Rockport, TX last week. Ground zero for Harvey's first landfall. It is one of our favorite spots in Texas and wanted to check out how they are doing 3 months after the hurricane.  If you wish to read about and see some pictures click on this link.  There are also some great pictures of  Whooping Cranes and Sandhill Cranes my husband took.

Rockport, Texas

Now for sewing! I had a kit from the FatQuarter Shop that was perfect for motel room sewing!

Hard to tell from this picture but it is called Layer Cake Pop. Uses half a cake and a jelly roll of background. One night I got everything cut and then next 2 sewed!

One block made. 19 more to go!

After this is out together below is the UFO I mentioned the end of November. Started this one on one of motel stays during a remodel in 2016. It is called Soiree and once again uses a layer cake. Think this was also a kit from Fat Quarter shop. I don't always buy kits but sometimes they are great to take along on a trip

I am hoping to steal some time from the busy holiday season and sew!

Saying Merry Christmas to those who celebrate Christmas and Happy Holidays to those who celebrate a different holiday. And best wishes for safe travel.

       Over to Design Wall Monday to see what others have been doing!

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Trip to Rockport, Texas

We decided to take a break and go to Rockport for a few days. It was ground zero for Harvey's first hit late August. After checking we knew that some places had reopened. It was hard to see all the devastation but they are slowly getting things cleaned up and getting places open. They are making headway but it will be several years probably before they are truly back.  Business that weren't too badly damaged are open, others are open in a trailer. Then there are some that it will take time. The Fairfield Inn across the street from the La Quinta where we stay had a lot of damage. Some restaurants are open, other's are open using a trailer for cooking and have tents up for seating. It was sad to see the damage to the trees. Those will not be replaced. The Coastal Oaks are part of the charm. The Heron Rookery along the coast road is still there but not as full and the birds will be building new nests.

Driving into town we passed a spot where they have been collecting all the debris from homes and farms. From here it is hauled away. It is a never ending job right now. We drove past this spot the next day, they had hauled just about all of it away but bringing in more at the same time.

A sight that was repeated often

A very common sight, the buildings may have survived but the roofs need tarps until the roofs can be fixed, Of course that means the inside has a lot of water damage. 

When we were here in May we found this place on one of the back roads along the water. It is an interesting place.

It did not make it through the hurricane

The boat storage at the Marina at Paradise Keys. This is where the guys have gone out when on a charter 

As I said it is going to be a while before things are rebuilt.

The reason we were there besides wanting to see how they were rebuilding. Were birds!

Galen got some great close ups of Whooping Cranes

And with the Sandhill Cranes. Great size comparison

A Northern Harrier

And a few more Sandhill Cranes

Tri-colored Heron

We have plans to go back the beginning of March. There will be more migrating birds and hopefully the weather will be good for butterflies and dragonflies. I take my quilting along so I stay busy in the evenings while Galen sorts through a lot of pictures from the day!

Friday, December 1, 2017

November 2017 wrap up

I managed to get a lot of sewing done in November!  Felt good too! Put together 3 quilt tops and dug out an unfinished project or UFO! Had worked on it during one of remodels. Easy to work on blocks while in a motel. Made the last 15 blocks. No pictures yet, have not laid it out  on the design wall.

Can only show one today and that is the Barn Dance quilt top. It is now at the quilters.
The top is large, 98 x 98 and yes I am keeping this one! Will be great on our guest bed!
The pattern is from   justquiltin with Denise

                                                                     Barn Dance

In between sewing I froze 12 more containers of pureed pumpkin for pies. Did up several containers of squash. And yesterday got started on making sauerkraut. The small crock is full of shredded cabbage. Will get the rest of the cabbage today to fill the larger one. They will need to work or ferment about the whole month of December. Will be good and not check for at least 2 weeks. But one should be ready before New Year's day. Not sure if it is a German custom or a PA. Dutch one but must have pork and sauerkraut to start off the New Year! Some customs came south with us!

Yesterday morning we went to our favorite local nursery and bought our poinsettias. Had a table of gorgeous ones to choose from.

                                                          We came home with these 3

Now to decide where they will go! The inside decorations will go up this weekend. After that we will figure it out.

Another thing that happened this month we had our trees trimmed. It has become an every 2 year event. One to keep them off our roof and also to let a little light get to the grass!

In the next picture if you follow the rope upwards you can see there is someone up there. And this is why Galen no longer does his own trimming! Some times it is much better to have the pros do it!

We also were able to get away for a few days. Our friends were out of town so we stayed at their place in Brady, TX, Galen did some hunting and I worked on my laptop. Trying to get the files organized. It was a nice get away. Some nice sun rises and sun sets which we rarely get to here for the trees!

I do love being out in the country!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Mid-November catch-up

I have been keeping busy and actually getting a little sewing accomplished. The secret quilt I have been working on is at the border stage. That is great progress as the on-point blocks were giving me some trouble! But I think I can turn it over to my quilting friend early next week!

Several of us saved a quilt along pattern last year from
It is  Barn Dance. One of my friends is off this week from school so we decided to start it.
                                            Join me for the BARN DANCE quilt a long.   Barn Dance is made up of various sized Hole In The Barn Door blocks.  I will be posting links at the bottom of this page with instructions. If you would l…

           If you don't follow justquiltin with Denise check out the link above this picture. She has lots of fun patterns

As you see it is 4 different size blocks. We decided to make the 6 inch first as that was the blocks needed then work our way up.  My 37 blocks.

Next the 12 inch blocks

Dug into my scraps of batiks but did have a good amount of the background fabric. So am using that

We have been watching a Monarch Chrysalis for a few days. 
Yestereday while checking out the solar light to see how things were progressing we discovered a Caterpillar on the other side

This morning it looks like this

                  We think the one on the right may be getting ready to become a butterfly. Will be keeping                       a close watch.  Love Mother Nature!

Back to Small quilts Doll quilts

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Design Wall 11-5-2017

I was able to get back to sewing this past week. Decided this was the perfect pattern to get me sewing again. 12 FQS from dark to light and 1 yard for the stars. Got into my stash of batiks


                                                                     the line up!

my test block

And my finished top!

I am working on another quilt top now but can't show it. The wrong person could see it and that would spoil the gift!

Feels good to get back to piecing again.

I also wanted to freeze pumpkin this Fall for pies. 

 Enough for 20 pies. Mom's recipe makes 2 pies.

Hoping to get cabbage yet so I can get sauerkraut made. In the meantime I have pork defrosting to be smoked for bacon and other dishes! Will be staying busy for a while!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

October 2017 Wrap Up

It was a busy month of binding quilts for Quilts of Compassion. The Scrappy Courthouse Steps was the last to be bound.

This is a picture of the 8 quilts I sent off this time. 6 by my friend Wendy and 2 more from me.
Got them sent on Oct. 24th as we were leaving on the 26th for South Texas-Rio Grande Valley.

Janice posted a picture earlier this week of over 1000 quilts that had been collected and now they have 1900 packed and ready to make the trip to SE Texas. 

They will be picking up more on the way. Hopefully these will bring a smile to the recipients.

My husband is into taking pictures of birds, butterflies and dragon flies and the Valley is known as a good place for that very thing. We spent several days in Pharr, Texas and then on to Mission, Texas. These are all close to McAllen. Went to Santa Anna Wildlife Refuge, The World Butterfly Center and Bensten State Park. The park is strictly for viewing birds etc. No cars in the park. Lots of blinds and walkways. You can take a tram to get to places or rent bikes. It was a good few days away.

I should have more to post next week. Did cut out fabric for another quilt after we got back!

Monday, October 16, 2017

October 16, 2017

Not a lot was accomplished this past week as far as actually sewing something!  Did a lot of removing batting from extra basckings. Will need to cut into scrap sizes when I am finished with the quilts. This one is done and ready to go.

This is another one from my friend Wendy that I need to bind this week.

Not sure what why I didn't accomplish much but I did get a little cleaning done. And we were busy with yard and doing other things. 

Tomorrow would have been my Dad's 100th birthday. He had planned to make 100 but 98 was all. We will celebrate his 100th anyway tomorrow and with friends on Friday. Still have some of his favorite scotch here.

I need to dig out my Halloween quilt. Think I gave a way all my Fall quilts. Sounds like a good project for 2018!

  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...