Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Last of 2017!

It is hard to believe that 2017 will soon be history!  For us it has been a busy year. Instead of working on the inside of our home we had work done on the landscaping! We start year 19 at this address and I can honestly say this is the longest I have ever been in the same place! Growing up we moved a few times, same area but different homes. After marriage there were a few job transfers. The last transfer my husband had brought us to Texas and here is where we stayed. Back to landscaping. Trees that were small when we moved in have grown quite a bit. Grass that liked sun, does not like shade! We like the shade, so grass areas are much smaller-more rock and mulched beds. That was the 2017 project. Hopefully no major projects for 2018!  We both could use a break. Even though we had others do the work it is still a disruption.

We did manage some trips around Texas for Galen to add to his list of birds, butterflies and dragonflies. Some new lifers and or for different county sightings! I usually end up driving, makes it easier for the photographer! When I can I normally have quilting along. Sometimes it is binding a quilt, other times if we are staying in a motel for more than a night, my machine. One trip I spent the entire time removing paper from the backs of blocks!

On the quilting front I did manage to get some completed and some to at least the flimsy or top stage. With the advent of Hurricane Harvey I dug out a few UFO's got them finished, quilted and delivered to Quilts of Compassion. All in all 11 totally completed quilts and if I didn't miss any - 5 tops. They will become finishes in 2018!

                        But first I almost forgot this quilt Galen's Christmas present! The pattern is from One of their free ones. Decided since Galen's passion is birds he needed an Owl quilt. Fun trying to work on this and hoping he didn't decide to venture upstairs to see what I was working on.  But managed to pull it off and yes he was surprised and likes it! That was my November/December finish!

                                                        My last 2 tops for this month.

                                                                Layer Cake Pop


     Who knows what 2018 has in store for us. But I am sure it will be another interesting year!

On that note our wish is that we are all able to meet any challenges head on, do the best we can and have a wonderful 2018!

Linking up with small quilts, doll quilts

1 comment:

  1. Really like your layer cake pop - the colors really move around the quilt!


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