Friday, December 1, 2017

November 2017 wrap up

I managed to get a lot of sewing done in November!  Felt good too! Put together 3 quilt tops and dug out an unfinished project or UFO! Had worked on it during one of remodels. Easy to work on blocks while in a motel. Made the last 15 blocks. No pictures yet, have not laid it out  on the design wall.

Can only show one today and that is the Barn Dance quilt top. It is now at the quilters.
The top is large, 98 x 98 and yes I am keeping this one! Will be great on our guest bed!
The pattern is from   justquiltin with Denise

                                                                     Barn Dance

In between sewing I froze 12 more containers of pureed pumpkin for pies. Did up several containers of squash. And yesterday got started on making sauerkraut. The small crock is full of shredded cabbage. Will get the rest of the cabbage today to fill the larger one. They will need to work or ferment about the whole month of December. Will be good and not check for at least 2 weeks. But one should be ready before New Year's day. Not sure if it is a German custom or a PA. Dutch one but must have pork and sauerkraut to start off the New Year! Some customs came south with us!

Yesterday morning we went to our favorite local nursery and bought our poinsettias. Had a table of gorgeous ones to choose from.

                                                          We came home with these 3

Now to decide where they will go! The inside decorations will go up this weekend. After that we will figure it out.

Another thing that happened this month we had our trees trimmed. It has become an every 2 year event. One to keep them off our roof and also to let a little light get to the grass!

In the next picture if you follow the rope upwards you can see there is someone up there. And this is why Galen no longer does his own trimming! Some times it is much better to have the pros do it!

We also were able to get away for a few days. Our friends were out of town so we stayed at their place in Brady, TX, Galen did some hunting and I worked on my laptop. Trying to get the files organized. It was a nice get away. Some nice sun rises and sun sets which we rarely get to here for the trees!

I do love being out in the country!

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