Monday, December 18, 2017

Design Wall Monday-12/18/2017

Thought it was time to play catch up and post again!  I finally managed a few evenings of sewing. Being in a motel room in the evenings and no distractions makes it easier to actually get something done. We went to Rockport, TX last week. Ground zero for Harvey's first landfall. It is one of our favorite spots in Texas and wanted to check out how they are doing 3 months after the hurricane.  If you wish to read about and see some pictures click on this link.  There are also some great pictures of  Whooping Cranes and Sandhill Cranes my husband took.

Rockport, Texas

Now for sewing! I had a kit from the FatQuarter Shop that was perfect for motel room sewing!

Hard to tell from this picture but it is called Layer Cake Pop. Uses half a cake and a jelly roll of background. One night I got everything cut and then next 2 sewed!

One block made. 19 more to go!

After this is out together below is the UFO I mentioned the end of November. Started this one on one of motel stays during a remodel in 2016. It is called Soiree and once again uses a layer cake. Think this was also a kit from Fat Quarter shop. I don't always buy kits but sometimes they are great to take along on a trip

I am hoping to steal some time from the busy holiday season and sew!

Saying Merry Christmas to those who celebrate Christmas and Happy Holidays to those who celebrate a different holiday. And best wishes for safe travel.

       Over to Design Wall Monday to see what others have been doing!

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