Saturday, December 16, 2017

Trip to Rockport, Texas

We decided to take a break and go to Rockport for a few days. It was ground zero for Harvey's first hit late August. After checking we knew that some places had reopened. It was hard to see all the devastation but they are slowly getting things cleaned up and getting places open. They are making headway but it will be several years probably before they are truly back.  Business that weren't too badly damaged are open, others are open in a trailer. Then there are some that it will take time. The Fairfield Inn across the street from the La Quinta where we stay had a lot of damage. Some restaurants are open, other's are open using a trailer for cooking and have tents up for seating. It was sad to see the damage to the trees. Those will not be replaced. The Coastal Oaks are part of the charm. The Heron Rookery along the coast road is still there but not as full and the birds will be building new nests.

Driving into town we passed a spot where they have been collecting all the debris from homes and farms. From here it is hauled away. It is a never ending job right now. We drove past this spot the next day, they had hauled just about all of it away but bringing in more at the same time.

A sight that was repeated often

A very common sight, the buildings may have survived but the roofs need tarps until the roofs can be fixed, Of course that means the inside has a lot of water damage. 

When we were here in May we found this place on one of the back roads along the water. It is an interesting place.

It did not make it through the hurricane

The boat storage at the Marina at Paradise Keys. This is where the guys have gone out when on a charter 

As I said it is going to be a while before things are rebuilt.

The reason we were there besides wanting to see how they were rebuilding. Were birds!

Galen got some great close ups of Whooping Cranes

And with the Sandhill Cranes. Great size comparison

A Northern Harrier

And a few more Sandhill Cranes

Tri-colored Heron

We have plans to go back the beginning of March. There will be more migrating birds and hopefully the weather will be good for butterflies and dragonflies. I take my quilting along so I stay busy in the evenings while Galen sorts through a lot of pictures from the day!

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