Wednesday, November 1, 2017

October 2017 Wrap Up

It was a busy month of binding quilts for Quilts of Compassion. The Scrappy Courthouse Steps was the last to be bound.

This is a picture of the 8 quilts I sent off this time. 6 by my friend Wendy and 2 more from me.
Got them sent on Oct. 24th as we were leaving on the 26th for South Texas-Rio Grande Valley.

Janice posted a picture earlier this week of over 1000 quilts that had been collected and now they have 1900 packed and ready to make the trip to SE Texas. 

They will be picking up more on the way. Hopefully these will bring a smile to the recipients.

My husband is into taking pictures of birds, butterflies and dragon flies and the Valley is known as a good place for that very thing. We spent several days in Pharr, Texas and then on to Mission, Texas. These are all close to McAllen. Went to Santa Anna Wildlife Refuge, The World Butterfly Center and Bensten State Park. The park is strictly for viewing birds etc. No cars in the park. Lots of blinds and walkways. You can take a tram to get to places or rent bikes. It was a good few days away.

I should have more to post next week. Did cut out fabric for another quilt after we got back!

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