Monday, October 16, 2017

October 16, 2017

Not a lot was accomplished this past week as far as actually sewing something!  Did a lot of removing batting from extra basckings. Will need to cut into scrap sizes when I am finished with the quilts. This one is done and ready to go.

This is another one from my friend Wendy that I need to bind this week.

Not sure what why I didn't accomplish much but I did get a little cleaning done. And we were busy with yard and doing other things. 

Tomorrow would have been my Dad's 100th birthday. He had planned to make 100 but 98 was all. We will celebrate his 100th anyway tomorrow and with friends on Friday. Still have some of his favorite scotch here.

I need to dig out my Halloween quilt. Think I gave a way all my Fall quilts. Sounds like a good project for 2018!

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