Monday, July 25, 2016


It doesn't look like much progress was made today, but there was. It was outside work this afternoon. The guys had a demo job this morning and that worked out just fine. Greg, our contractor did not get the final report/plans until about lunch time from the engineer who looked at the porch last week. Everyone got here about 1. Greg told them what they needed to do to give the steps more support. A little more wood, a metal plate, hangers; what else not sure, but nothing really major. Greg will pick up the needed supplies for tomorrow. The electricians have been called and told they can set in the light cans and secure the boxes for where the fans will be placed.

You can see where they took out the far support post this afternoon. A make shift one is in place for the time being. The other one wasn't doing much anyway as it had rotted off at the bottom! When this is all finished we will have to get leaf guard out to do something with the rain spout. They have brown so Galen will probably have the down spout changed over to be a better match to the cedar posts.
Edited to add we now know what the deck will look like when we get rain!  Yep, finally getting  some rain this evening. About 1/2 inch so far. Good chance of rain tomorrow and on Wednesday. May delay a little porch building if it is thunderstorms like tonight!

Tomorrow there should be more visible progress to show. Also the trim carpenter will be here to put on handles on the cabinets, add the shoe mold around the floor etc. We are getting there!

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