Friday, July 29, 2016

Remodel Week 8 Friday

Today was good and not so good!  They delivered the wood early this morning. On the surface it looked pretty good. Once the guys got the bands off there were some boards not great. When they carried the 8 x 8 cedar post back we knew we had a problem. They called for Galen to look at it- 3 sides were good, the fourth had a crack just about the entire length. So far they have only been able to use one out of 4! On the upside they did get most of the deck flooring down. The electrician was also back to realigned the can lights.

 Taken from inside looking out from the living room-Jeannine-no white post in the middle!
It looks so much bigger now that is goes straight across the back.

This morning the shower doors arrived and were installed.

Shower doors before being installed

 Big bathroom
 Little bathroom

I think the painters are still on the agenda for tomorrow.

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