Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Today was granite day. The guys got here about 4 to install the granite vanities along  with the sinks. They were here and finished in about 90 minutes.

                              He cut the holes in the granite outside for the faucets. A little less dust                                                              inside, although I don't think we would have noticed!
                               You can tell that school is out. The kids are along as gophers!

                                             The double vanity in the big bathroom
And the single in the smaller one. As usual we picked a granite the was fairly neutral and just about any color will work with it.

While the guys were working we were figuring out what might work where in the rooms. Galen installed  door hardware yesterday and today. The doors are all done now except for the bathrooms. He'll work on those after the tile is installed.
It's a dark picture but he is in there working!

Since we pretty much had free time for a good part of the day we ran errands. Looked at a recliner at Lazy Boy and then headed to the light store to pick up the lights we had ordered.

                           Our Pride of Barbados is absolutely gorgeous this year. With our very mild                                                                    winter it never died back
                          We have had many comments from people stopping and asking us about the plant
As you can see with everything happening during the day, the girls need their rest at night! Tilly is doing well after her cyst removal last week from her tail. But instead of a fluffy pom pom it looks more like a pennant!

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