Thursday, July 14, 2016


It started out as fairly quiet week with just Peter and his nephew here working on the tile. By Tuesday everything was up and grouted.

                                                                     Before grout

The plumbers were here Wednesday morning. Faucets all in place, shower heads installed as also the new toilets.

                                    Small upstairs bath after being grouted and plumbing installed

Today was set aside for the electricians. They arrived about 7:45 and went to work,  They were able to get all the lights up except for one. They will put that up next trip. It seems we had miscounted the number of fan lights we had ordered. Last one should be in late next week. They also found we had a lot of cracked switch boxes so they went about replacing those.

We got surprised early in the afternoon. The guys came to install some of the railings upstairs. With the floor work starting tomorrow the temporary railing were going to have to come down. They were nailed to the sub floor.
 Electrician putting up new smoke & CO2 detectors. Guy from Austin Iron working on the temporary railing
                                            One of the railing pieces in the back of their truck

Railing in  the front is down

New railing is up

                                                           View from the front door
                                        shuttered windows in the back of the living room
                                                  Working on the railing at the steps

Railing on the second floor all in place.We got the hammered rails. Right now they are just painted with rustoleum. The painters will do a light sanding and then paint them black
Lights in the small bathroom
Lights in the big bathroom
Tilly likes to check out the upstairs but she has been learning to stay at the bottom until I come back down.

We know Peter will be back in the morning to finish up a few pieces of the pencil trim. He ran short the other day. Then he will start working on the sub flooring. Not sure if the electricians will be back tomorrow or early next week.

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