Friday, July 29, 2016

Remodel Week 8 Friday

Today was good and not so good!  They delivered the wood early this morning. On the surface it looked pretty good. Once the guys got the bands off there were some boards not great. When they carried the 8 x 8 cedar post back we knew we had a problem. They called for Galen to look at it- 3 sides were good, the fourth had a crack just about the entire length. So far they have only been able to use one out of 4! On the upside they did get most of the deck flooring down. The electrician was also back to realigned the can lights.

 Taken from inside looking out from the living room-Jeannine-no white post in the middle!
It looks so much bigger now that is goes straight across the back.

This morning the shower doors arrived and were installed.

Shower doors before being installed

 Big bathroom
 Little bathroom

I think the painters are still on the agenda for tomorrow.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Remodel-week 8, Thursday

The saga of the wood for the deck is getting a little crazy. Somehow what was supposed to be delivered yesterday, wasn't. It either never made the truck or went elsewhere. Greg spent a good bit of the morning trying to track down what happened. In the meantime the guys are here doing what ever they can on the deck without the rest of the wood. They added finish trim around the railing posts and the one cedar post. They were able to get the metal support in place at the steps. Those steps won't even think of moving now! The wood going back was picked up.  Lynn was also here working on the floors up stairs.


We took off as there wasn't anything we could really do and no need to be here. Ran a few errands and went to Salado.   Another wood delivery was made. Greg was here and sent most of it back. Cedar post the 8 x 8 wasn't good. Deck boards weren't good and they sent the wrong boards for the ceiling. Good thing Greg was here, it never made it to our drive way! It has been promised that the right wood and good wood will either be delivered this evening yet or early tomorrow morning. This is really been holding up construction. Some of the right Hardie board was on the truck and they got it on the steps as facing.

 The pickets for our fence also arrived. The guys got as much done today as they could. And of course they have other jobs they could be working at.

We are hoping that things will fall into place tomorrow. The right wood shows up and is good quality. Lynn will be back in the morning to finish up putting the pencil trim on the Travertine in the bathrooms. And I think the glass for the 4 windows will also be here and installed. We're not there yet, but a closer each day to the end. Probably another week should do it!  Keep those fingers crossed.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Remodel week 8-Wednesday

Today was a little less hectic than yesterday. Ended up with the outside work being done. The floor man, Lynn was on another job. He should be here tomorrow.
The guys got a fair amount of work on the deck, then they ran out of "good" wood.
 Getting ready to start installing some of the ceiling slats.
 Need something to walk on when making sure that the supports are all even and level.
 Tilly is getting her required scratches from Greg. Greg's comment was that Tilly was saying please only one more week. I want my yard and house back!
 Inspection time

 They got as far as they could on the wood part of the ceiling. Here they are putting up smooth Hardie board.
 Tiki is checking out some of the floor that was done today
 The ceiling as far as they could go.
 Taking a break in the yard after work is done for the day
 Table, chairs, grill all under wraps. The smoker is some where else
And this is one reason why they couldn't get more done today. That stack of wood at the end of the driveway-2 x 6's for the deck and 24 - 1 x 5's for the ceiling plus the cedar posts go back for better wood. That delivery should be first thing tomorrow morning. The metal plate came this afternoon for the step support.

We thought the painters would be back in the morning to start touch up but that has been pushed to Saturday. they need to finish up another job.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Remodel week 8-Tuesday

Today was a very busy day. The electrician arrived a little before 8 AM. He did all the wiring on the deck, put in the holders for the can lights in the ceiling and secured the electrical boxes on the supports for when the fan and lights are installed. The old ones weren't secured in any way!
Shortly after he arrived the trim carpenter got here to install shoe molding upstairs and put the hardware on the vanities. Before he could do that Danny had to get here to install the drawers into the cabinets. These two guys have known each other since grade school so there is always the usual banter between them. So for a while we had 3 upstairs and then it became 4 as Lynn the floor guy arrived to start cleaning the floors. Outside was the electrician and the 4 man crew working on the deck.

 Studying the job at hand. It was very easy to take out that support wrapped in black. It wasn't attached to anything! The weight of the roof was keeping it in place. Turns out the other one wasn't either. My comment was I was happy we didn't live in an earthquake area!

 That is one very long level he is using.
 First cedar post is in place and it isn't going anywhere-well secured with lag bolts at the bottom and nails above!
 They are making makeshift braces for a 2 x 4 that will go between the braces and then also supported in the middle. This is for when they begin to cut out the support beam that is in place.
 He is up there cutting out a section with a saws-all
 Galen intently looking on
 One 4 foot section ready to come down

 More of it gone

Most of it is gone now.  It was going on 11 and we decided we would take off for a while

 What it looked like before we left. No big beam going across.
 When we got home again the new beam (2 back to back) were in place and all the 2 x 4's gone except at the far end. They didn't like either of the 2 remaining cedar posts. More will come tomorrow.
 Upstairs the shoe molding is down . We need to do something by the steps as they had to use a lot of float on the sub-floor which raised the wood. A different molding will go there to give it the finished look.

 Lynn will be back tomorrow to finish cleaning floors and do some work downstairs as well. But things are starting to come together.
 We have decided that we should have started the outside work earlier in July. Rain last night and another brief but hard shower today!
That is it for this installment!

Monday, July 25, 2016


It doesn't look like much progress was made today, but there was. It was outside work this afternoon. The guys had a demo job this morning and that worked out just fine. Greg, our contractor did not get the final report/plans until about lunch time from the engineer who looked at the porch last week. Everyone got here about 1. Greg told them what they needed to do to give the steps more support. A little more wood, a metal plate, hangers; what else not sure, but nothing really major. Greg will pick up the needed supplies for tomorrow. The electricians have been called and told they can set in the light cans and secure the boxes for where the fans will be placed.

You can see where they took out the far support post this afternoon. A make shift one is in place for the time being. The other one wasn't doing much anyway as it had rotted off at the bottom! When this is all finished we will have to get leaf guard out to do something with the rain spout. They have brown so Galen will probably have the down spout changed over to be a better match to the cedar posts.
Edited to add we now know what the deck will look like when we get rain!  Yep, finally getting  some rain this evening. About 1/2 inch so far. Good chance of rain tomorrow and on Wednesday. May delay a little porch building if it is thunderstorms like tonight!

Tomorrow there should be more visible progress to show. Also the trim carpenter will be here to put on handles on the cabinets, add the shoe mold around the floor etc. We are getting there!

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