Sunday, May 31, 2015

Stash Report-week 22, 2015

Getting back to sewing again. I was 3 months behind on the Trifecta Block of the Month program at Cotton Cupboard. We were in that direction this past week. I picked up those 3 plus June's. 3 FQS each times 4 so I am adding to the total in this week with nothing finished.

Used this week:     0
Added this week;   3
Used to date:        21.33
Added to date:        11
Net:                       10.33

I have been sewing in the motel-one of these weeks there will be something going into the used column!

If you want to read the latest on the remodel- go here remodel progress

To go back to Judy  Patchworktimes

1 comment:

  1. Even with the little in you are still in the black, so not a bad week.


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