Monday, May 25, 2015

Design Wall Monday-May 25, 2015

I should be getting stuff moved from the living and dining rooms but am taking a break. They start tearing up the floor tomorrow. But right now-I actually have done a little sewing the past couple of weeks. One of the yahoo groups I am a member of is doing a block of the month-Easy Does It. We make 12 and 6 inch blocks. True to the name, they are easy and fun and just what I need as a break from this next remodel go round. And I am caught up-that's a first. Some blocks are side by side in the pictures, others, small blocks on top.

                                          Be fun to see how these will all play out when done!
Thundering again. Another storm on the way. We are north of all the bad flooding. Our rivers are up a little, lots of low water crossings closed. But nothing compared to what the rest of central Texas is going through right now. It will take a while for those areas to get rebuilt.

If you have been following our second remodel-there are postings on the blog.

Linking up with Judy at Patchworktimes!

1 comment:

  1. oh the poodles meet me at the door every time I see your blog!! poodle love....
    good luck with the remodel. Pain in the patoot, right? LeeAnna and (Cole the standard poodle) at not afraid of color


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