Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Remodel-Tuesday of week 4

We are at the point now where the work starts to really show. On Monday the tile people were back to put the first coat of waterproofing on the shower floor.

Danny the cabinet maker was back with some pieces for the wine storage and to give the cabinets a more finished look.

Once the cabinets are painted then the slats will be installed

The trim and shelving was also delivered Monday morning.
Tuesday ( today) was a real work day. Greg, the guy doing the trim and shelving as well as putting in the 2 new closet doors, trim around the doors was here at 8. He was here until about 4:30, no breaks.

Danny was also here again getting ready to install another cabinet.

After a long day, the shelves are in the closets. Had to do a little reworking on this dresser unit. Had to be moved about 3/8 of an inch so the drawers would not hit the door trim. These guys want it done right.

There are spaces in the closet below for things stored in there

                                                               Closet doors installed

three coast of waterproofing-2 on the walls of the shower, 3 on the shower floor. 

The bedroom has a lot of the debris cleaned out now, the drawers for the bathroom are stacked by the windows. Under the blue cover is our ATT Uverse hookup. Have to keep that protected and plugged in at all times!

Not sure how much more this week. I think Danny will be back with the doors for the other long cabinet in the closet. Hopefully the painters will get here either Thursday or Friday to get the first coat on the cabinets. 

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