Friday, May 1, 2015

Remodel Update-week 3

A lot of the progress this week was the kind that doesn't really show. Sealing around the shower drain with concrete and also closing the spot where the tub drain was located. No more easy access for those little pesky termites! The "mud" as been put on the shower floor and seams were caulked today. Yes, I am learning a few terms.  Today the vanities arrived as well as some of the cabinets for our closets.
            The tall cabinet is going to be a wine cabinet. Slats will go in after everything is painted

On Monday, Danny (cabinet maker) will be back  with doors. Wood will be delivered for the trim              molding. Painters should be here sometime during the week. We're making progress.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is the 1st post I've seen of your remodeling project. How fun!!


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