Sunday, May 24, 2015


We had a bout a 10 day lull in the remodel.  It was hard to get a painter lined up but Greg persevered and found us one who could start on the 18th.
Debris cleaned up. the painter has a better  area now .Lined up against the wall-drawers and doors from the bathroom vanities and closets.
First coat of paint on the walls-Lenox Tan ( Benjamin Moore). It isn't this dark

A little better picture of the wall color. Under the pink paper, a vanity.
Under the plastic-shower area.

This is the second unwanted surprise during the remodel. 
(First one-termites in the bathroom wall at the shower.)
The downstairs AC unit decided it was time to quit. Compressor. New compressors are
not compatible with a 20 year old furnace. Out with the old and in with the new-AC unit and furnace. 

First coat on the vanity

Ready to start putting the first coat on the drawers

And doors

Didn't get quite all the drawers and doors finished by the end of Saturday, but just about.

Finished drawers under the plastic

One of the closets.

About ready for Granite this coming week

A few thing left for finishing for the master bath.

This coming week they will start laying the travertine in the master bath and tearing up the rest of the old wood flooring in the dining, living, and entry way. 

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