Sunday, May 31, 2015


We didn't get anything done on Monday-Memorial Day. We were finishing up getting things out of the rest of the downstairs that was getting new flooring. Got most of it done when the power went out. We ended up with 6 inches at our house in about 1 1/2 hours. Could not get in or out of the subdivision for a few hours. Finally tried it again a little later so we could get to the motel. The one intersection had drained enough that we could get through. The other one finally drained today. It was good we had the motel room booked-no power until later Tuesday morning. Back to the remodel. We got back to the house shortly before the workers started showing up-the painter first, then the guys got there who were tearing up the old wood flooring . The flooring in this picture looks good (from a distance)

 But this is what it looked like close up.  This had been a spec home and we think the builder used what was left-sort of mix and match!
                  They got all the flooring up by Tuesday afternoon

                       The Float is down now for the new floor
                    Friday the granite was put added to the vanities
         The closets are ready to be put together-drawers in cabinets,                            doors on some of the shelving units
                 And they got the walls in the bedroom painted
                The color is Coventry Gray by Benjamin Moore.
The windows are all getting the same style of shutters we put in the family room and kitchen last year.
This week should be floors and finish most of the painting that still needs to be done. It's starting to look like something again!!!!!

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