Sunday, May 31, 2015

Stash Report-week 22, 2015

Getting back to sewing again. I was 3 months behind on the Trifecta Block of the Month program at Cotton Cupboard. We were in that direction this past week. I picked up those 3 plus June's. 3 FQS each times 4 so I am adding to the total in this week with nothing finished.

Used this week:     0
Added this week;   3
Used to date:        21.33
Added to date:        11
Net:                       10.33

I have been sewing in the motel-one of these weeks there will be something going into the used column!

If you want to read the latest on the remodel- go here remodel progress

To go back to Judy  Patchworktimes


We didn't get anything done on Monday-Memorial Day. We were finishing up getting things out of the rest of the downstairs that was getting new flooring. Got most of it done when the power went out. We ended up with 6 inches at our house in about 1 1/2 hours. Could not get in or out of the subdivision for a few hours. Finally tried it again a little later so we could get to the motel. The one intersection had drained enough that we could get through. The other one finally drained today. It was good we had the motel room booked-no power until later Tuesday morning. Back to the remodel. We got back to the house shortly before the workers started showing up-the painter first, then the guys got there who were tearing up the old wood flooring . The flooring in this picture looks good (from a distance)

 But this is what it looked like close up.  This had been a spec home and we think the builder used what was left-sort of mix and match!
                  They got all the flooring up by Tuesday afternoon

                       The Float is down now for the new floor
                    Friday the granite was put added to the vanities
         The closets are ready to be put together-drawers in cabinets,                            doors on some of the shelving units
                 And they got the walls in the bedroom painted
                The color is Coventry Gray by Benjamin Moore.
The windows are all getting the same style of shutters we put in the family room and kitchen last year.
This week should be floors and finish most of the painting that still needs to be done. It's starting to look like something again!!!!!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Design Wall Monday-May 25, 2015

I should be getting stuff moved from the living and dining rooms but am taking a break. They start tearing up the floor tomorrow. But right now-I actually have done a little sewing the past couple of weeks. One of the yahoo groups I am a member of is doing a block of the month-Easy Does It. We make 12 and 6 inch blocks. True to the name, they are easy and fun and just what I need as a break from this next remodel go round. And I am caught up-that's a first. Some blocks are side by side in the pictures, others, small blocks on top.

                                          Be fun to see how these will all play out when done!
Thundering again. Another storm on the way. We are north of all the bad flooding. Our rivers are up a little, lots of low water crossings closed. But nothing compared to what the rest of central Texas is going through right now. It will take a while for those areas to get rebuilt.

If you have been following our second remodel-there are postings on the blog.

Linking up with Judy at Patchworktimes!

Sunday, May 24, 2015


We had a bout a 10 day lull in the remodel.  It was hard to get a painter lined up but Greg persevered and found us one who could start on the 18th.
Debris cleaned up. the painter has a better  area now .Lined up against the wall-drawers and doors from the bathroom vanities and closets.
First coat of paint on the walls-Lenox Tan ( Benjamin Moore). It isn't this dark

A little better picture of the wall color. Under the pink paper, a vanity.
Under the plastic-shower area.

This is the second unwanted surprise during the remodel. 
(First one-termites in the bathroom wall at the shower.)
The downstairs AC unit decided it was time to quit. Compressor. New compressors are
not compatible with a 20 year old furnace. Out with the old and in with the new-AC unit and furnace. 

First coat on the vanity

Ready to start putting the first coat on the drawers

And doors

Didn't get quite all the drawers and doors finished by the end of Saturday, but just about.

Finished drawers under the plastic

One of the closets.

About ready for Granite this coming week

A few thing left for finishing for the master bath.

This coming week they will start laying the travertine in the master bath and tearing up the rest of the old wood flooring in the dining, living, and entry way. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Remodel-Tuesday of week 4

We are at the point now where the work starts to really show. On Monday the tile people were back to put the first coat of waterproofing on the shower floor.

Danny the cabinet maker was back with some pieces for the wine storage and to give the cabinets a more finished look.

Once the cabinets are painted then the slats will be installed

The trim and shelving was also delivered Monday morning.
Tuesday ( today) was a real work day. Greg, the guy doing the trim and shelving as well as putting in the 2 new closet doors, trim around the doors was here at 8. He was here until about 4:30, no breaks.

Danny was also here again getting ready to install another cabinet.

After a long day, the shelves are in the closets. Had to do a little reworking on this dresser unit. Had to be moved about 3/8 of an inch so the drawers would not hit the door trim. These guys want it done right.

There are spaces in the closet below for things stored in there

                                                               Closet doors installed

three coast of waterproofing-2 on the walls of the shower, 3 on the shower floor. 

The bedroom has a lot of the debris cleaned out now, the drawers for the bathroom are stacked by the windows. Under the blue cover is our ATT Uverse hookup. Have to keep that protected and plugged in at all times!

Not sure how much more this week. I think Danny will be back with the doors for the other long cabinet in the closet. Hopefully the painters will get here either Thursday or Friday to get the first coat on the cabinets. 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Remodel Update-week 3

A lot of the progress this week was the kind that doesn't really show. Sealing around the shower drain with concrete and also closing the spot where the tub drain was located. No more easy access for those little pesky termites! The "mud" as been put on the shower floor and seams were caulked today. Yes, I am learning a few terms.  Today the vanities arrived as well as some of the cabinets for our closets.
            The tall cabinet is going to be a wine cabinet. Slats will go in after everything is painted

On Monday, Danny (cabinet maker) will be back  with doors. Wood will be delivered for the trim              molding. Painters should be here sometime during the week. We're making progress.

  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...