Sunday, December 15, 2013

Stash Report-Week 50,2013

It ended up as a productive week after all!  I was able to finish my Progressive Block of the Month.  I think I am also finished with in the time limit to get a $50.00 gift certificate from Cotton Cupboard. We had 60 days to complete the top once all the blocks were completed.  I think I just made it!  Either way it is finished and ready to be quilted. Used this week was 15 yards. That includes the backing and the binding!
I did buy 2 yards of fabric for fabric boxes. I wanted to use the cotton laminate fabrics. Didn't have any of that in my stash!

Fabric used this past week-15 yards
Used to date-                   189.45 yards
Added to date-                   66.6
Net                                   122.85

Back to Judy at Patchworktimes


  1. I have been wanting to try making something out of the laminate fabrics - looking forward to seeing what you make. Thanks for sharing.

  2. This is what I want to make this week with the fabric. Thought it would be a fun quilters gift. use for those pesky scraps etc. and using the laminate would make it easier to clean out the "stuff!" Will post pics when made!

  3. Since I have laminate fabric to use, it will be nice to see how your boxes turn out. Hadn't thought of using the fabric in such a way. Hugs


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