Sunday, December 1, 2013

Stash Report-week 48, 2013

Nothing to really report this week. Yes, I did buy some fabric but it was for some one else who could bot get what she wanted.  So that was in and out the next day!!!!! the only sewing I accomplished was sewing on the binding to 2 quilts.  And did manage to get them totally finished but that had been previously counted. Had a great Thanksgiving with friends of 25 years!  It's great that we both ended up in the Austin area.

Used this week:         11.4
Used to date:           167.2
Added this week         3
Added to date           64.6
Net used:                 102.6

Hoping I have different numbers for next week, but it will also be a week of more packing so Galen can move the boxes.  He is out of town the following week and it is so much nicer having him do the heavy lifting!

Back to Judy at Patchworktimes

1 comment:

  1. At least you were able to get some sewing time during this busy week. Great numbers.


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