Monday, December 2, 2013

December Get it Done list

Actually I did better than I thought I would! Did get those 3 pesky quilts bound and did manage to get the October Top of the Month completed in time!

November list: Get those 3 quilts bound!!!!!-DONE
Finish putting together the Progressive BOM top

Make Oct. Top of the month.- DONE

My December Goals-would love to get the Progressive BOM finished.
Need to keep up and get the next top of the month done.
Hope to keep up with Judy's Fit for a Hero and of course there is Quiltville's new mystery! Oh yes, did I mention packing up the rest of the kitchen etc before Jan. 6, 2014-the start date for the remodel! I think December will be busy!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. December will be VERY busy! Give yourself permission not to meet all your goals. Call them wishes instead. =) Just this month.


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