Monday, December 9, 2013

Design Wall-December 9, 2013

I am no further along on Bonnie's latest mystery so the picture remains the same!  I had quite a few of step 1 sewn but did not like the way they were turning out, so I spent a lot of time frogging! That was Wednesday and Thursday.  Friday was taken up with Dad things, Saturday I did sew the latest Top of the Month but did not take a picture yet. Will have to show that later. Yesterday house things, a little decorating for Christmas.We bought a small artificial Christmas tree and put on our special Texas  and National Parks ornaments.  I always try and buy those if available on our travels.A few wreathes on the door and that is about it for this year. Not as much to take down right after Christmas! My Christmas Cacti are are really blooming so they are adding color to the inside!  Today is another day that will be a lost cause.  Dad and errands this morning, late lunch with Galen and then take him to the airport.Tomorrow is looking good!


  1. Love your oranges! Looking forward to seeing more progress as we move farther into the mystery!

  2. You will soon be sewing on clue 2 and getting more excited as the mystery unveils itself. Your colors are great - nice and bright.

  3. Keep at it, you will get there!


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