Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My get it done list for 2013

It's not the full list, knew the past few months there was no way I was going to keep up with things so worked as I could without a list! Some of the list was from my UFO list, others new projects.  I'm happy with the results and hey, there is always next year!!!!!

and while my Progressive BOM is just a top I feel really good about that.

4 top of the months totally completed

2 Donation quilts-8-2013

Waste Not Want Not Quilt-8-2013

Samuri quilt-5-2013

Kids bright swap block quilt-5-2013

Batik Brick Quilt 1/2013

Fire Escape Quilt 3/2013

County line Quilt 3/2013

Cake Stand Quilt 3/2013

Wm's Baby Quilt 3/2013

Hayes Corner Quilt 3/2013

Back to see how others made out this past year.

1 comment:

  1. Not bad at all! You ought to feel good about that list.


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