Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My get it done list for 2013

It's not the full list, knew the past few months there was no way I was going to keep up with things so worked as I could without a list! Some of the list was from my UFO list, others new projects.  I'm happy with the results and hey, there is always next year!!!!!

and while my Progressive BOM is just a top I feel really good about that.

4 top of the months totally completed

2 Donation quilts-8-2013

Waste Not Want Not Quilt-8-2013

Samuri quilt-5-2013

Kids bright swap block quilt-5-2013

Batik Brick Quilt 1/2013

Fire Escape Quilt 3/2013

County line Quilt 3/2013

Cake Stand Quilt 3/2013

Wm's Baby Quilt 3/2013

Hayes Corner Quilt 3/2013

Back to see how others made out this past year.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Stash Report-week 52, 2013

It is hard to believe that this is the final report for 2013.  This is the first year I kept track and reported; that really helped me to somewhat think before buying!!!! Definitely need to continue this in 2014 as there is still a lot here to be used. 

I didn't get any real sewing in the past 2 weeks, instead have been getting things organized and ready for the big remodel that starts a week from tomorrow!  Too late to back out now and we need to get it started as Galen keeps thinking of things.  We've changed the cabinet lay out several times now! He does visualize the plans much better than I do. And I think every time we have moved, he has seen things in the kitchen layouts that I never picked up. The layout has become his "baby!"

I did add some fabric the past 2 weeks-3.5 for the Top of the Month.  I also bought one of Vicky's kits for Tell it to the Stars that she and Judy are doing.  Her fabric is so nice to use, it was a treat to me! That was 14.5 yds.  

Used this week:     0
Used to date:      189.45
Added this week:  18
Added to date:       84.6
Net used to date:    104.85

I am happy with that; more went out than came in!

Back to Patchworktimes to see how others are ending the year!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Design Wall-December 16, 2013

Nothing is on my wall, have been working on Celtic Solstice Mystery by Bonnie Hunter. Just about finished with step 1. I do have pictures however of my completed top of the month flimsy-Kayla and also my completed Progressive BOM flimsy. When these were taken this past week it wasn't sunny and no one was around to be a holder. It's nice to have these completed and ready for the quilter!

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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Stash Report-Week 50,2013

It ended up as a productive week after all!  I was able to finish my Progressive Block of the Month.  I think I am also finished with in the time limit to get a $50.00 gift certificate from Cotton Cupboard. We had 60 days to complete the top once all the blocks were completed.  I think I just made it!  Either way it is finished and ready to be quilted. Used this week was 15 yards. That includes the backing and the binding!
I did buy 2 yards of fabric for fabric boxes. I wanted to use the cotton laminate fabrics. Didn't have any of that in my stash!

Fabric used this past week-15 yards
Used to date-                   189.45 yards
Added to date-                   66.6
Net                                   122.85

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Monday, December 9, 2013

Design Wall-December 9, 2013

I am no further along on Bonnie's latest mystery so the picture remains the same!  I had quite a few of step 1 sewn but did not like the way they were turning out, so I spent a lot of time frogging! That was Wednesday and Thursday.  Friday was taken up with Dad things, Saturday I did sew the latest Top of the Month but did not take a picture yet. Will have to show that later. Yesterday house things, a little decorating for Christmas.We bought a small artificial Christmas tree and put on our special Texas  and National Parks ornaments.  I always try and buy those if available on our travels.A few wreathes on the door and that is about it for this year. Not as much to take down right after Christmas! My Christmas Cacti are are really blooming so they are adding color to the inside!  Today is another day that will be a lost cause.  Dad and errands this morning, late lunch with Galen and then take him to the airport.Tomorrow is looking good!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Stash Report-week 49

Finally got to sew a little yesterday and finished the top of the month that is due in a couple of weeks.

Used this week: 7.25
Used to date: 174.45
Added this week 0
Added to date 64.6
Net used: 109.85

I am happy with those numbers!

Have a lot going on this coming week- getting ready for the holidays, continue getting ready for the remodel. Galen will be out of town until the 16th, so I won't have to worry much about meals, but will need to do a little baking.  There should be some time for more quality time with my sewing machine! Still need to finish the Progressive BOM and the time is getting short if I want to get the gift certificate. 

Back to see how others did at Patchworktimes

Monday, December 2, 2013

Celtic Solstice Mystery-step 1

I am getting a slow start to step one.  Have my oranges and my neutrals cut for step 1 and about half of the blues.  Too much going on to work on it to much over the weekend.  I do hope to start sewing this evening.  I am pretty much pulling from stash as I go along so only the neutrals, oranges and blues are in this picture.

December Get it Done list

Actually I did better than I thought I would! Did get those 3 pesky quilts bound and did manage to get the October Top of the Month completed in time!

November list: Get those 3 quilts bound!!!!!-DONE
Finish putting together the Progressive BOM top

Make Oct. Top of the month.- DONE

My December Goals-would love to get the Progressive BOM finished.
Need to keep up and get the next top of the month done.
Hope to keep up with Judy's Fit for a Hero and of course there is Quiltville's new mystery! Oh yes, did I mention packing up the rest of the kitchen etc before Jan. 6, 2014-the start date for the remodel! I think December will be busy!!!!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Stash Report-week 48, 2013

Nothing to really report this week. Yes, I did buy some fabric but it was for some one else who could bot get what she wanted.  So that was in and out the next day!!!!! the only sewing I accomplished was sewing on the binding to 2 quilts.  And did manage to get them totally finished but that had been previously counted. Had a great Thanksgiving with friends of 25 years!  It's great that we both ended up in the Austin area.

Used this week:         11.4
Used to date:           167.2
Added this week         3
Added to date           64.6
Net used:                 102.6

Hoping I have different numbers for next week, but it will also be a week of more packing so Galen can move the boxes.  He is out of town the following week and it is so much nicer having him do the heavy lifting!

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